Acne scar home remedies

« ...The sterile needle will quickly become dirty, if the skin to be lanced contains dirt and chemicals. Those substances must be washed off of the pimple that is to feel the point of the needle. Once the target area has been cleaned, then the needle should be gently inserted into the white head of the pimple....
...Sometimes, waiting may be a good option. For some people, the acne will simply disappear over time. This may work for people with mild cases of acne. However, if you are having a very severe case of acne break out, it is best to seek proper treatment as soon as possible. You may want to consider consulting a doctor if the condition is too serious....»
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«...A recent study in the British Journal of Dermatology showed that women who smoke are four times as likely as non-smokers to develop acne. Smoking narrows blood vessels and reduces the supply of oxygen to the skin weakening the creation of new cells, allowing the older cells to succumb to infection....»
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tags: use of teatree oil on skin care as anti acne, acne care for sensetive skin, vitamins and herbs for acne