Depressed by my acne

« ...Often the reason that these people turn to these often harmful cures is that they don't know that they can use natural treatments to effectively treat their acne. Using natural and herbal cures to treat acne has been going on for hundreds of years. Often with technology surging us forward we forget that sometimes simple methods often work just as well if not better then more complex ones....
...Treatment 4 - Grapefruit Seed Extract - This particular natural remedy is effective at treating acne because it contains good anti-microbial and disinfectant properties. Both of which can help to remove and kill of the bacteria which is often the cause of acne in the first place. What you need to do is mix 4-40 drops of the extract with 4 fluid ounces of water well and then apply to the affected area directly 2 to 3 times each day. The best way to apply it is by using either a cotton ball or Q-tip....»
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«...So, you have acne facial scars and want to get rid of them? How nasty is all I can say! But fortunately however, you're in luck. ...»
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tags: sulfur soap acne, tea tree oil cystic acne, skin care for adult acne